Start a New Path
Develop Reading Skills
Promote Literacy
Build Confident Kids
Improve Your Community

Why This Is Important
Not reading on grade level at this age is a highly-correlated “early predictor” of dropping out of high school.
Despite the best efforts of their teachers, approximately 30% of Richmond students do not pass the third-grade ISTEP+ Language Arts (Reading) test – the first in the series of statewide ISTEP+ tests.

Program Goals
Increase reading performance by one F&P level.
Increase performance on standardized reading tests.
Increase positive attitude toward reading.

How it Works
Plan are being made for TRA 2022. The Academy will be located at IU East during the month of June. We are looking to expand the program and we hope to serve even more children and offer consistency throughout the year with free membership and reading tutoring through B&GC of Wayne County during the school year. Full-day classes are scheduled over a four-week period beginning in late June. Classes, limited to 10 students, are directed by highly trained teachers and an instructional assistant. The standards-based curriculum is focused on reading and writing, with an eye toward skills assessed by the IRead3 exam.

The Results
The Academy features full-day classes scheduled over a four-week period beginning in late June. Classes, limited to ten students are directed by highly trained teachers and an instructional assistant. The standards-based curriculum is focused on reading and writing, with an eye toward skills assessed by the ISTEP+ exam.
Pre- and post-tests showed that The Reading Academy students increase their average scores in that period.
An immeasurable benefit of the summer learning experience was a change in student attitude toward reading in particular and learning in general. According to their personal comments, students grew in their love of reading and were developing a love for learning.
Origins of the Academy
In 2007, local citizens decided it was time to try an experiment in support of the regular educational system. The result: an intensive, independent, voluntary, community-based, instructional program with a single, laser-like focus – to make sure that all third-grade students in Richmond would be reading on grade level by the time they entered the fourth grade.
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