
2024 Program
KReady Logo
K-Ready’s goal is to increase the number of Wayne County children who enter school prepared to learn. K-Ready encourages parents and caregivers to read with their children 20 minutes every day from the day they are born. K-Ready provides children age four and younger with FREE age appropriate books and adults with tips for reading effectively with their children. By partnering with local health care providers, schools, and civic organizations we will strive to reach every family with young children in Wayne County.
Reading Academy Logo
The intent of The Reading Academy is to ensure that every child in the Richmond community reads at grade level by the end of third grade. Third grade is generally regarded as a critical point in a child’s educational development. Research shows that those children who cannot read at grade level at this stage are at a significant disadvantage throughout their education career. The academy is designed to focus on students individual educational needs. Classes are held each year in non-traditional learning venues within the Richmond community.

“Research showed that children who were read to from birth were better prepared to learn than their peers who were not read to. Reading is the answer, but more so the importance of parents reading with their children from the day they were born.”

– Rick Ahaus, Board Member and Founder